Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (2024)

Oncoming! 12 Wealth with God (WWG) email torpedoes.

An epic 2-hour infomercial voyage, a sea of screenshots, promised financial treasure maps. Is this God’s $394 a month life preserver or a $1994 digital course Titanic? Sail the faith-guided world of wealth-building, where scriptures splash with monetary ambition.

Mammon? Ancient god of lust for money misinterpreted, or clever marketing ploy? WWG Captain, Jim Baker steers your trust into God’s bank account for you over your greed. Unfurling your promises, pass through Jim’s financial debt-free island, one 1-liner at a time.

Stay at your post for a last look at Wealth with God’s marketing, your hidden gems. Do I recommend? Nope. But much to discover from small business digital marketing angle.

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (1)

Look what’s in Wealth with God’s Fisherman’s Net?

Calling all, faithful Christian believers with a vision, the Kingdom Wealth Builders Blueprint. James Baker, pastor at Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, Ohio, wants to guide you toward your God graced prosperity.

Imagine a life free of debt, where you have more than enough resources to fulfill your divine assignments and support others in their journeys. Message making your Spidey senses tingle? Read on.

Offer: Unveiling the Kingdom Wealth Builders’ Blueprint

James Baker’s Kingdom Wealth Builders Blueprint isn’t only a course; it’s a path to financial freedom earmarked by your destined divine purpose.

Baker’s Wealth with God Value Proposition:

“My course helps Kingdom-minded believers create financial provisions for their visions in 10 years or less.” Inspiration? Baker’s remarkable breakthroughs of physical healing seen by Baker’s church congregation.

Baker’s determined to set the same principles of trust and reliance on God in line with your finances. His course promises to squash your limiting beliefs, ramp up your cash flow, harmonize your money with God’s plan, and sketch out your path to financial freedom.

Why Take Baker’s Course:

Baker sees true wealth as a blessing to others and making an impact in your community. Greed never enters his mind, nor stacking up wealth for emergencies or sport. He sees money as one way to be close to Jesus and complete your divine mission.

Baker’s course takes on limiting beliefs. His infomercial is a pep rally to change views on the topic of prosperity. Baker explains that people given wealth by God begin with a vision. And that starts with making you a better person.

God’s given wealth will help you become a strong person who can carry the weight of financial blessings. That’s a load carried without spiritual injury to your faith or a waver in the trust of God’s plan for you.

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (2)

Review: 9 Pros of Wealth with God’s Marketing

**Delving into the Marketing Machinery’s Innerworkings**

*Dunk into the Pros and Navigate the Ocean of Cons*

1. The powerful belief system of 1-lines and questions

– Baker sets up his coaching program and curriculum with email and web copywriter, Ryan Schwartz powerful question foundation.

– He plants new beliefs, questions old ones, adds zinger one-liners, and stays with a simplistic curriculum.

– Your world-view shakers

– What ifs….

– Baker’s huge question to set up all his reframes?

– What if prosperity was for generosity, not greed?

– Reframes….

– Money isn’t evil. If it was, wouldn’t the devil pour it on Christians to their doom.

– Why’s a good man someone who leaves money for his children’s children?

– You’re not the prosperity police.

  • Don’t judge another man’s harvest
  • You don’t know the type of seeds he planted

– Real prosperity’s about blessing not possessing;

  • It’s about influence and impact
  • It’s not about toys and trinkets

– One mistake avoided, or one decision could pay for your course ($997.00 with fast action discount)

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (3)

– Keep it simple…

– Baker explains there are 3 paths to wealth.

  • He’ll teach ‘em all
  • You can choose which one is right for you

2. Your Calls to Action

– Baker uses a variety of calls to action in brilliant fashion.

– Guilt-laden

• Be a doer, not just a hearer.

(Can’t attract a Christian audience without a dose of guilt?)

• That’s a highlight to your charitable responsibility as a believer.

– Clever Copy

– Fast action bonuses acronyms

– Massive Action Plans (M.A.P.s)

– Make your MAP today. That’s ‘Baker smart’, there.

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (4)

3. Sweetening the Wealth with God Offer

– Fast Action Bonuses under the periscope

– Let’s look at the brilliant pairing of no excuses with the free digital asset in the offer.

– ($497 value) How to Own Your Home in 10 Years or Less without Making Extra Payments

– (Linked to those people who said no to his offer with the I have a mortgage excuse)

– ($197 value) Examples of Wealth M.A.P.S.

– (Created for those who said no to his offer with the I can’t make my own map excuse)

– ($197) Financial Freedom Fast Action Guides

– God’s Power to Create

– Punch Debt in the Face

– Cash Flow Strategies: Part 1

– (Each of these? Created with an excuse in mind…like the second…. I have too much debt to join.)

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (5)

– ($197) Prerecorded Past Mentoring Calls

– (This is a scaled asset. Baker already paid the cost for this one.)

Zero cost to him.

  • He needs only to have downloadable past recordings
  • He needs to represent these recordings as links
  • When students ask similar questions recordings cover

(Wise pairing example of assets at the right time!)

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (6)

– Tickets to an exclusive event with Baker

  • Pep rally to start your journey as a wealth builder live talk
  • Conference gets wealth-builder student motivation high with talks by experts

4. Marketing transitions to move your decision needle from a no to a maybe

– You have one of two decisions to make… (Limit future student choices)

– You don’t have to decide today (Eliminates words that have costs you’ve assumed)

5. Two Guarantees for Wealth with God

– This is smart organization to counter objections.

(Wish it was only explained clearer on the website.)

– 30 day test-drive guarantee (Just an email to Wesley)

– 1 Year guarantee (with work shown)

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (7)

6. Wealth with God Self-asset comparisons

– Courses + Community + Weekly Group Phone Call with Baker = Less Money for 1 Coaching Call

– An excellent way of framing the value within value exclusive to Baker’s program.

  • As a future student this value vs. value comparison can’t be argued.
  • You’ve seen Baker teach in the infomercial.
  • Imagine a 1:1 coaching call with him helping you.
  • Positioning of WWG as your only solution, here, is stellar

7. Find a Grand Challenge

– Marketing move extraordinaire.

  • Bolsters leverage of community cheerleading
  • And stresses paying for the course with found money
  • That keeps your feeling of loss low for the money you’re spending. Cuz, you’ll make it back
  • But you can only meet the $1K challenge if you buy today because the deal is going up soon

“You’ll never again be able to get this much value at this low of a price.”

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (8)

8. Price Anchoring

– $9,570 vs. $997

– Steve Jobs would be proud.

– With the perceived value of each fast action bonus are all set by Baker

  • Future students are without comparison shopping tools
  • They must take the word of the presenter
  • Is one of these digital assets worth $197?
  • No way to tell

9. Baker’s personality is much like Halbert’s you’re smarter than me tactic

How does he get the buyer to think he’s smarter than himself?

Self-degradation and Self-criticism

  • Of both his presentation style
  • Ability to be funny
  • Skills as financial advisor

Baker is the epitome of the persona he wants to attract…. if I can learn this stuff anyone can.

These 9 cogs of the Wealth with God marketing system help the ocean liner steam on toward its destination of personalized wealth-construction.

– Yet, look out…icebergs! Plan your escape…

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (9)

Wealth with God Cons: Swim with sharks & icebergs

Call out the 9 Cons of the Kingdom Wealth Builders Blueprint

1. Lack of Credibility

– While James Baker’s passion and faith are clear

  • His claims of healing incurable conditions through his sermons raise skepticism
  • It’s key to approach such bold statements with caution
  • And his answer of come visit my church and see it happen with your own eyes

(Unrealistic. I’m going to fly to Ohio rather than take your word?)

– Also, Baker claims he can teach you how to create wealth, keep it, grow it, and use it for God’s glory.

Baker doesn’t have any credentials such as financial planning licenses or college finance degrees. Wealth building involves theory application. He says, he took off a year and read 100 financial books.

– Often troubleshooting problem areas in wealth building is tricky business.

What works financially today isn’t assured to work tomorrow. For example, paper assets could go away with AI technology gaining momentum. If someone chose that as their wealth path, they need an updated course on say, crypto investments to offset their lost financial path.

– Baker has promised updates for a lifetime. But what does that mean?

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (10)

2. High Wealth with God Price Tag

– The course comes with a one-time payment of $1,994- or six-monthly installments of $394.

This is a big investment for the students he claims to want to help. It is true his offer drops to $997 after you view his webinar. The deadline for this sale price is a week after you’ve seen the webinar.

As this reviewer, explained, good thing Baker wasn’t asked by God to help people with their finances for free.

3. Lack of Wealth with God Course Clarity

– The course offers many components, such as action guides, live mentoring, coaching calls, and more.

Still, the website has no clear breakdown of what students can expect from each component.

– Even the webinar is a bit sketchy in describing his exact 3 paths to wealth.

You are given 3 general paths: (PSI)

  • Paper assets.
  • Start own business
  • Invest in real estate
Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (11)

4. No Clear Wealth with God Money-Back Guarantee

– With the high cost, future students like yourself want a money-back guarantee for added security.

– In the infomercial, Baker guarantees money is returned with no limits for the first 30 days.

For the 11 month refund, Baker hints at specific requirement of student course work thereafter.

– He has a collection of thousands of hours of videos

• Enough material for a year, if not more, of study

Cons of the refunds

The 30-day trial period is more often a tactic of buyer overwhelm.

Here’s how it works:

  • Students test-driving the course test see there’s money making potential here, far more than their initial $997 investment.
  • But the trial of putting the taught principles in practice to make money off investments is different

And isn’t there a book that you could buy that could teach you these skills for less money than 2 grand?

– Oh well, back to the review.

  • Without insider knowledge of program pain points, chances are slim you’ll be able to prove the worth of the full course’s assets in your 30-day trial period.

– With 3 tiers of courses, I can imagine Baker’s program run with a hierarchical limit to needed information for success. Students will uncover course and program future pain points as they put theories into practice.

– Discussions on wealth-building problem solving and troubleshooting could lock out beginning students.

So, a shut-off from access to the solutions is a possibility. That’s especially if you need info and haven’t yet taken advanced wealth-building level course material.

– And a $497 Facebook group isn’t a guarantee that you’ll get your key questions answered either.

Often getting answers is close to a popularity contest of who can write the most engaging post to attract someone’s attention.

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (12)

5. Wealth with God Website Limited Information

– The website would benefit from more detailed information about the course’s content, structure, and curriculum.

This information comes only after the 2-hour pep rally wealth belief changing webinar ends.

• A webinar that can be entered through YouTube sponsored commercials

• And, of course, no webinar access without your email address entered

6. Overuse of Buzzwords

– The website has several buzzwords in its copy. ROI, wealth building, 3 tiers, provision, etc.

Call it overdone cleverness in wording. These hide the real meanings of concepts. This knocks on the door of skepticism. It’s key to balance the waves of inspiration and unlock the offer’s safety with transparency.

7. Unclear Path to Success of Wealth with God Course

– Above all Baker’s course promises financial freedom

The steps to get to this goal could be made into easy to understand action steps.

Even the webinar is vague in disclosing these details.

It’s a three-step process. First, curriculum tackles mindset challenges, then, definitions, and the final course of 8 modules is the theory of individualized wealth construction.

8. Lack of Testimonials

– Including testimonials from successful students makes the course’s impact believable.

Again, you’ll see this social proof when you sign up for the infomercial.

True, these testimonials are positive. But, they don’t tell you the reviewer’s program completion status.

So, you could be reading a review of a student in the honeymoon phase of finding all this information at her mouse click. Also, since there are three levels. These reviews could be of the two foundational courses, establishing mindset and operational definitions.

(I did find lots of testimonials once I got out of the infomercial YouTube maze. But I had to hunt for them.)

9. No Clear Mention of Baker’s Refund Process

– So, you’re dissatisfied, what then?

The website does not provide clear info about the refund process. There are 2 guarantees given after the infomercial ends.

But the specifics of the first 30-day course test drive are vague.

The instructions are to send an email to Wesley.

The 1-year (actually 11-month) guarantee, has even fewer specific instructions and requirements.

This guarantee claims full refunds come with your shown work.

  • But what if the course fails to make you money?
  • How will your work be evaluated?
  • Participation grades?
Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (13)

Wealth with God: Long Haul Evaluation

The Kingdom Wealth Builders Blueprint’s offer fills the hole in the market of preachers who say God wants you to prosper…

But then, don’t explain how God wills you to do this.

Baker’s blueprint is 1 approach to financial wealth rooted in the responsibility of faith and divine purpose.

Yet, it faces these challenges:

  • Instructor credibility
  • Full pricing and curriculum transparency

These are only somewhat reconciled by watching a two-hour infomercial.

James Baker’s passion and mission are inspirational and motivational.


  • Bettering the clarity of the course’s curriculum
  • Adding more detailed information
  • Offering a clear refund policy

All these additions.. improve the program’s appeal to Baker’s target audiences.

Wrap Up: Wealth with God Blueprint revealed

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (14)

Improvements and Benefits:

To improve WWG marketing system, Baker needs the following:

1. Clear Curriculum:

– Show a detailed breakdown of the course content into measurable student objective form.

Future students’ expectations need to be clear. Informercial breakdown is vague. There’s great potential here. 3 tiers to his courses are a bitable chunk. Lifetime access to all courses? Another plus.

2. Money-Back Guarantee:

– Guarantee is vague. Be specific and soothe potential students’ worries about their high price.

3. Transparency:

– Avoid the buzzwords like wealth-building, 3 tiers, ROI, etc.

Find a balance between inspiration and straightforward information in Baker’s copy.

4. Testimonials:

– Include testimonials from satisfied students with levels of completion noted to build credibility.

5. Refund Policy:

– Clearly outline the refund process on the website to help new students feel safe.

Wealth with God Overall Match:

Faithful Christian’s sea of mysterious opportunities

The Kingdom Wealth Builders Blueprint lines up with individuals seeking financial wealth with a divine purpose. It appeals best to those who believe in blessings and impact over material possessions.

But, fixing the cons above further meets the expectations of its target persona, faithful Christians.

In sum, while the Kingdom Wealth Builders Blueprint offers a unique approach to financial freedom, updates in transparency and credibility better its effectiveness as a marketing machine.

If you got something out of this review, please share it with a friend. Until next time, be your top-shelf you. If you’d like to join our Top-Shelf family, sign up for updates in the pop-up, and receive your free copy of the Ultimate YouTube Channel Set Up Guide.

Everything you need to get creating media like the pros on that visual platform will be on its way.

P.S. Mammon question. Mammon wasn’t a Mesopotamian god. He was a symbol. Mammon doesn’t desire worship or sacrifices of worry. It is only a symbol of temptation to amass wealth for its own sake… often leaving yourself in spiritual and ethical bankruptcy. So, it was kind of a ploy of Baker.

Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons) – Reinventing you and Writing Too! (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.