The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)

SHEBOYGANPRESS.COM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2023 3B ACROSS 1 Service animals that attended a relaxed performance of to learn proper theater behavior 5 Resident of old Peru 9 Menzel who voiced Elsa in 14 Soothing plant 15 ex machina 16 Exorcism target 17 Something flown in the Festival of the Winds 18 Metal deposits 19 Full of attitude 20 Like a vetoed veto 23 v. Wade 24 Cups, saucers, kettle, etc. 25 cartoon nemesis 27 Like a chapped lip 29 Upper limb 30 Celebrity 33 Butch or 35 rapper 37 Sunrises 38 Veggie-based dessert similar to gajar ka halwa 41 Deck with Wands and Swords 42 height enhancer 43 Looked around in a store 46 May birthstone 50 Does some basic math 51 sound 53 Shorthand for a culinary staple 54 Reduced, like a list of possibilities 58 Martian, e.g. 61 Krispy donuts 62 63 Rule the 64 Ketchup on a carpet, for example 65 Actor Daniel Kim 66 Prices 67 Stuff in museums 68 Cunning DOWN 1 People for whom two U.S. states are named 2 Musical with the song Do 3 4 Oracles 5 not alone in 6 Niche enthusiast 7 Signaled 8 Good trait to have 9 Passports, e.g.

10 Near and to my heart 11 count me 12 Piece of facial jewelry that might hang from a septum 13 21 Vacation destinations 22 Opposite of a snub, for short 26 Interfere in other business 28 jr. and sr. 31 Key in a computer combo 32 Shreds 34 Bistro bigwig 35 Lookout perch on a ship 36 Jackets, coats, ponchos, etc. 38 Piece of birthday mail that might have a musical chip 39 Yankee until 40 Low-lit 41 Sched. placeholder 44 Step on your perfect little foot, say 45 Dweebs 47 Shirks 48 Lite 49 Kong (video game) 52 Main artery 55 Six-legged workers on a hill 56 Give off 57 Family room 58 Curved shape 59 British potty 60 platform Answers: Call 1-900-988-8300, 99 cents a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-320-4280.

R2-D2 USA TODAY CROSSWORD BY Tooky Kavanagh Amanda Rafkin Answer Andrews McMeel CROSSWORDS ON YOUR PHONE get our crossword app EDITED Amanda Rafkin USA TODAY CROSSWORD KENKEN 1. Each row and column must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 though 6 (challenging) without repeating. 2. The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners. 3.

Freebies: in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner. ANSWER wait for your answers? Find all the puzzle answers at ANSWER DIRECTIONS: Make a 2- to 7-letter word from the letters in each row. Add points of each word, using scoring directions at right. Finally, 7-letter words get 50-point bonus. used as any letter have no point value.

All the words are in the Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary, 5th Edition. ANSWER This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated at right. Find the listed words in the grid. They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.

Ring each word as you it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. FIND THE WORDS they really habits if you en- joy indulging in Declarer have enjoyed the result in deal. North-South bid easily to slam, stopping at the six level when North could show only one ace in response to 4NT Blackwood in- quiry. West led the nine of clubs, and South won in dummy and promptly led a trump.

East took his ace and even more promptly returned a club, and West for down one. South grumbled about his misfor- tune, but a lot of players have the habits (all bad) of (1) playing too fast; (2) draw- ing trumps too soon and (3) failing to anticipate trouble. CONCERN Since only a club can defeat the slam, and since lead that possibility, South should lead a spade to his ace at Trick Two, then take the ace of diamonds and his low di- amond in dummy. South next takes the king of spades to discard his last low club. Having elim- inated the danger of the club he can safely start the trumps.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: 5 4 9 8 6 6 A 5. Your partner deals and opens one heart, and the next player passes. What do you say? Answer: Slam is likely. To let partner know, jump to three clubs and support hearts next, saying that your jump-shift was based on a strong hand with heart support. Partner can cooperate.

Some pairs use At IMPs or Chicago scoring, where accurate game and slam bidding is vital, I prefer strong jump-shifts. North dealer N-S vulnerable BRIDGE FRANK STEWART Bad habits wait for your answers? Find all the puzzle answers at Daily Bridg Club Wednesday, August 16, 2023 they really habits if you enjoy indulging in graffiti. Declarer have enjoyed the result in deal. North-South bid easily to slam, stopping at the six level when North could show only one ace in response to 4NT Blackwood inquiry. West led the nine of clubs, and South won in dummy and promptly led a trump.

East took his ace and even more promptly returned a club, and West ruffed for down one. South grumbled about his misfortune, but a lot of players have the habits (all bad) of (1) playing too fast; (2) drawing trumps too soon and (3) failing to anticipate trouble. CONCERN Since only a club ruff can defeat the slam, and since lead red- flags that possibility, South should lead a spade to his ace at Trick Two, then take the ace of diamonds and ruff his low diamond in dummy. South next takes the king of spades to discard his last low club. Having eliminated dang of the club ruff, he can safely start the trumps.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: 5 4 9 8 6 6 A 5. Your partner deals and opens one heart, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: Slam is likely. To let partner know, jump to three clubs and support hearts next, saying that your jump-shift was based on a strong hand with heart support. Partner can cooperate.

Some pairs use At IMPs or Chicago scoring, where accurate game and slam bidding is vital, I prefer strong jump-shifts. North dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH 5 4 9 8 6 6 A 5 WEST EAST 7 6 3 2 10 9 8 5 4 2 A 8 7 5 3 10 9 4 9 10 8 7 6 3 SOUTH A 10 7 3 A 2 4 2 North East South West 1 Pass 1 Pass 3 Pass 4 NT Pass 5 Pass 6 All Pass Opening lead 9 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Bad habits By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Boggle BrainBusters Bonus INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word.

Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words. MA I OW 8-16-23 BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 2023 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved.

YOUR BOGGLE RATING BOGGLE POINT SCALE 3 letters 1 point 4 letters 2 points 5 letters 3 points 6 letters 4 points 7 letters 6 points 8 letters 10 points letters 15 points hamp 101- 150 xpert 61 -1 00 ro 31 60 Gamer 21 30 Rookie 11 20 A mateur 0 10 ry a gain Find AT LEAST SEVEN NUMBERS in the grid of letters. Answers to Boggle BrainBusters: ZEBRA SNAKE KOALA HYENA INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. Yo may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word crossing out common words. BOGGLE BRAINBUSTERS Dear Abby: I have been married to my second wife for 10 years.

Most everything is but we have one area of It is regarding her daughter, my stepdaugh- ter, who has grown from a cute little 9- year-old into a beautiful 19-year-old. The problem is her attire around the house. She routinely wears a sports bra and panties around the house (around me). I it distracting, to say the least. I have discussed it with her mother, but she sees nothing wrong with it, probably because she dresses pretty much the same way.

I get my wife to understand that what might be OK for her is inappropriate for her daughter. What should I do? By the way, I have never said or done anything inappropriate, but I myself taking a look at her more often than I should. Help! Stepdad Who Sees In Texas Dear Stepdad: If you told your wife DIRECTLY that a beautiful young woman parading around in her under- wear and a sports bra is arousing, and you would prefer her daughter dress more modestly around you, you should. And out of respect for you, your wife should explain those facts to her daughter and remind her that no longer a child, and she should cover up. Dear Abby: I am a 52-year-old wom- an.

I am single and have no children, but a loving aunt to many. I had an older sister who died before my older brother and I were born. She was born with spe- cial needs and lived for only 10 months. My parents never kept it a secret. Know- ing I had an older sister makes me want to a big sister I sometimes fanta- size that a particular beloved TV actress is my sister.

She did a cameo video for my 50th birthday, and I have met her won- derful husband twice at fan conventions. I told him I thought his wife was a beauti- ful angel. I am not gay, but I love her. Am I weird? Fangirl In Wisconsin Dear Fangirl: It weird to feel an attachment to a celebrity. However, important to be able to distinguish be- tween reality and fantasy.

You this person on a regular basis, but you do not have an actual relationship with her. Close friends often consider themselves to be and use the term when ad- dressing each other. You might what you are reaching out for closer to home if you step back and look for it. Dear Abby: living with a man who has four children. been together 22 years.

He claims the house will be mine upon his demise. How do I ask him to show me his will to see if what he says is true? I want to have to his chil- dren in court, because they have the money to do it and I I work for what I have and a lot of the things in the house I have bought. Please tell me how I can ap- proach the subject. Concerned And Worried Dear Concerned: Tell your partner you are worried about your future should something happen to him. Then tell him you would like a copy of his will to ensure it is up to date and to keep in a safe, secure place so there will be no misunderstand- ings if he predeceases you.

After all these years together, your concerns are legiti- mate, and if he is on the level, he should want to be sure you have peace of mind and are protected. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby- DEAR ABBY ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Man wants stepdaughter to cover up CELEBRITY CIPHER LUIS CAMPOS.

The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.